মাইক্রোসফ্ট ওয়ার্ড শিখি…EDIT MENU ও অন্যান্য

EDIT MENU How to Cut a text : ®Select your text ®Click on Edit menu ®Cut. How to Copy & Past a text : ®Select your text ®Click on Edit menu ®Cut ®Place the cursor ®Click on Edit menu ®Past How to delete a text : ® Select your text ®Click on Edit menu ®Clear Hoe to Select a text : ®place cursor at the beginning/End of the line/words ®Drug the Mouse pointer. or ®press Shift + Arrow key (Left/Right) How to Find a text : ®Click on Edit menu ®Find ®Type your text in find what box ®find next. How to Replace a text : ® Click your Edit menu ®Replace ®Type old word in find what box. ®Find next ®Type new word in Replace with box ®Replace/Replace All. VIEW MENU How to Insert any tool Bars : ®Click on View menu ®Tool bars ®Select any tool Bars. How to Remove any tool Bars : ®Click on View menu ®Tool bars ®Select any tool Bars. How to use Header and Footer : ®Click on View menu ®Header and Footer (type in Header Box) ®Press Down arrow key ®type in Footer Box. How to see the document in Full Screen : ® Click on View menu ®Full Screen. How to Exit Full Screen : ® Click on View menu ®Close Full Screen How to increase/decrease Zoom : ® Click on View menu ®Zoom (Select any zoom). INSERT MENU How to insert a new page; Page Break : ®Click on insert menu ®Break ®Page Break/ Column Break. How to create Page Numbers : ® Click on insert menu ®Page Numbers ®Select Position (Top/Bottom) ®Select Alignment (Left/Right/Center) ®Ok How to remove Page Numbers : ®Click on view menu ® Header and Footer ®Select the page number ®press delete key ®click on view menu ® Header and Footer How to insert Date and Time : ®Click on insert menu ®Date and time ®Select Date/Time ®ok. How to insert Symbol : ®Click on insert menu ®Symbol ®Select Symbol ®Insert ®Close. How to insert Picture : ® Click on insert menu ®Picture ®Clip Art ®Select Picture ®Insert ®Close. How to insert Word Art : ® Click on insert menu ®Picture ®Word Art ®Select any Style ®ok ®Type your text ® ok. How to insert a text box : ® Click on insert menu ®Text box ®Create a box by drug the mouse pointer ®Type your text. Hoe to remove/change the out line of text box : ®Double Click on out line of text box ®Colors and lines ®No line ® ok. How to insert Equation : Click on insert menu ®Object ®Select Equation-3.0 Example : ii) = 10 iii) FORMATE MANU How to change Fonts : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ®Select any Font ®ok. How to change Fonts style : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ®Select any Font style (Italic/Bold) ®ok. How to change Fonts size : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ®Select any Font size ®ok. How to change Fonts color : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ®Select any Font ®ok How to set Underline : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ®Under style ®Select Under line ®ok. How to remove Underline : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ®Under style ®Select None ®ok. How to create Superscript/Subscript : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Font ® Superscript/Subscript ®ok. How to create Line spacing : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ®Paragraph ®Select line spacing (1.2/1.3/1.4) ®ok How to create Bullets and Numbering : ®Select your text ®Click on Format ® Bullets and Numbering ®Select Bullets/ Number ®ok How to set Borders and Shading : ®Click on Format ®Borders and Shading ®Page Borders ®Select any Borders (from Art Box) ®ok. How to create Columns : ® Click on Format ®Columns ®Select Column ®ok How to Drop Cap : ® Click on format ®Drop Cap ®(Select any style) ®ok How to use Change Case : ®Click on Format ®Change Case ®Select (UPPER CASE/ Title Case/Sentence case/lower case etc.) ®ok TOOLS MANU How to Cheek Spelling and Grammar : ®Select your Text ®Click on tools menu ®Spelling and Grammar (যদি কোন বানান ভুল থাকে তবে লাল রং নির্দেশ করবে Suggestion box থেকে সঠিক বানান Select করে) ®Change/Change all ®Close. How to use Auto Correct : ® Click on tools menu ®Auto Document ®Comments ®Type Password ®ok ®Type same Password ®ok. How to Protect Document : ®click on tools menu ® Protect Document ® Comments ®Type Password ®ok ®Type same password ®ok How to Unprotect Document : ®click on tools menu ® Unprotect Document ® Type Password ®ok How to use Envelopes and Levels : ®click on tools menu ®Letters & Mailings ® Envelopes and Levels ®Type Delivery address ®Type Return Address. ®add to Document ®print. Table menu How to create a table : ®Click on table menu ®Insert ®Table ®Select number of Columns ®Select number of Rows ®ok How to insert a Row : ® Click on table menu ®Insert ®Rows above/Rows below. Hoe to delete a Row : ®Select Rows ®Click on table menu ®Delete ®Rows. How to insert a column : ® Click on table menu ®Insert ®column Left/ Column Right How to Delete a column : ®Select columns ®Click on table menu ®Delete ®Column. How to Merge Cells : ®Select a few of column/Row/cell. ®Click on table ®Merge Cells. How to Split Cells : নির্দিষ্ট কোন cell কে একাধিক সেলে বিভক্ত করা । ®Select any cell ® Click on Table ®Split Cells ®Select number of columns ®Select number of Rows ®ok How to Sort Data : ®Select any column ®Click on table ® sort ®Select Ascending/Descending ®ok How to use Formula : ®Place Cursor any Call ®click on Table ®Formula ®Type cell address within bracket ®ok