General English (compulsory paper)

Topics: Determiner, Modifier, Headword, Participle Phrase, Infinitive Phrase, Prepositional Phrase and Finite Verb. Determiner: The words which identify a person or a thing or limit its number or measure are called Determiner. There are two types of Determiners in modern English Grammar – Specific Determiners General Determiners Generally Articles, Demonstratives and Possessive Cases are more familiar as Specific Determiners. A list of specific Determiners is followed in below: Articles Demonstratives Possessive Case The(without a /an) ThisThat These Those My , our, your, his, her, its, their Rahim’s etc. These types of words identify a thing or person definitely; that’s why, we may cite them definite Determiner. The words which indicate a thing or person generally or indefinitely are called general Determiners or Indefinite Determiners. Numeral and quantifier adjectives are generally called Indefinite or General Determiners. Numeral Adjectives Quantifier Adjectives A, an, one, two, three, four etc. Every, all, any, either, neither, some, both, few, little, many, much, several, enough, no, another. Some example of General and Specific Determiners: Have you read the book? What terrible weapons the soldiers use! You have not got enough tools to do the job. Which information do they read? There are many mistakes in your Essay I want to interview every candidate individually. Ten young men were studying there. So, it is needless to say that Determiners are used for identifying and limiting number or quantity of Noun and Pronoun The words or phrase or clause which describes or modifies a noun is called Modifier. Modifier works as an adjective in a sentence. There are two types of Modifiers: Pre Modifier Post Modifier sits before a noun and modifies the noun. There are several types of Pre Modifiers, it will be clear by the following example. A sleeping lion can’t catch a prey.(present participle as pre modifier ) A burnt child dreads the fire. (Past participle as pre modifier) Defeated enemy should not be behaved badly. ( past participle as pre modifier) We had a pleasant holiday .(Adjective clause as pre modifier) She gave me a diamond (Noun –adjective as pre modifier) Bangladesh is a jute producing (noun adjective as pre modifier ) The up train is coming. (Preposition as pre modifier) I have a fountain (Noun adjective as pre modifier) The name of a modifier will be according to the name of modified word, phrase or clause. sits after a noun and modifies the pre-noun in a sentence and acts like an adjective. There are various types of post modifiers, videlicet: People living in a jungle must not fear tigers .present participle phrase as post modifier) The bridge destroyed by the flood has been. (past participle as post modifier .) The cat under the table is sleeping.(prepositional phrase as post modifier) We hired a bus to go on a picnic. (infinitive phrase as post modifier ) Keats, a romantic poet, wrote many Odes. (Apposition phrase as post modifier ) ◊◊যেকোন ধরনের ভুল-ভ্রান্তি, অসম্পূর্ণতা, বানান ভুল এবং অন্যান্য সকল প্রকারের ত্রুটি গুলো সম্পর্কে দয়া করে আমাদের ইমেইলের মাধ্যমে অবহিত করুন: । মিছিং হয়ে যাওয়া পোস্টগুলো পুনরায় ভিউ করতে ভিজিট করুন এই লিংকে :https:// (Please, go to this link) “সকলকে অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ” ।