H.S.C English Suggestion…

HSC English Suggestion (2016) 1st Paper Important Passage (পুরাতন সিলেবাস অনুসারে প্রাকটিসের জন্য) There have been………………………..….. Bangladesh is a small country……….….. British eating habits……………………….. Scientists have always……………………. The unit by which the……………………… How safe will the building……………….. A major influence…………………………. A society’s culture………………….…….. Capitalism developed………………….….. As his reputation as a …………………… Human’s animals and……………………. Sports are a popular form……………… Working opportunities………………….. Emperor Shah Jahan………………….… His name was Jerry…………………….… Every year million…………………..…… The most significant………………………. Television has become the most……….. Ayesha Begum has three sons………… Gender discrimination in……………..…. In recent years, there have…………….… Water, a vital element of the…………..… Statistics show that about……………… Education is the process……………..….. Communicative competence…………….. Working opportunities…………………… উপরোক্ত প্যাসেজগুলোর পাশাপাশি নতুন সিলেবাসের বোর্ড নির্দেশিত প্যাসেজগুলো দেখে নেই । Paragraph Social Value Winter morning Terrorism in Bangladesh Self-employment Pastime/Leisure Earthquake Internet Pohela Baishakh Female Education Load-shedding Mobile Phone Green House Effect Food Adulteration World Cup Cricket Women’s Contribution (To The Development Of Our Society) Globalization Environment Pollution Global Warming My Childhood Memories Gender Discrimination International Mother Language Day Dowry Price hike Reading newspaper My living place The ways of keeping good health Bangladesh Deforestation Rearrange Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world. Young once attacked a province of powerful ……………………………………………………………. As a result, he burnt his fingers. Alfred Nobel was born on 21st October, 1833 at Stockholm, Sweden. He was an engineer. His father …………………………………………………………………….. The prize has immortalized his mane. You must have heard the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He is a rebel poet and our national poet. Nazrul …………………………………………………………….. One day, this Dukhu Mia became a great poet. There was a little pond in a village. It was not so deep and its water was not clean and pure. The villagers ……………………………………………………………….. An old man saw it and forbade the boys to kill them. It was on April 10, 1912. The Titanic was sailing for New York from …………………. ….. .. ………………… ……………………………………. . So, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly. Rabindranath was the fourteenth child of Debendranath and Sarada Devi Tagore. He went to school early and wrote his first verse …………………………………………….. He returned home without any qualifications of distinction. Slhaheed Dr Shamsuzzoha is considered to be the first intellectual who attained martyrdom …………………………………………………………………… The students started to jump over the gate and to scale the walls. It has been over three hundred years since Emperor Shah Jahan of Delhi built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife in Agra. …………………………………………….. ……… …… Most people like it best on moonlit nights. Stephen Hawking is considered the greatest physicist after Einstein. He was born in an educated family in 1942. ……………………………………………………………. He uses his computer to carry out research work as well as deliver lectures. Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright and poet. He was born in Abelkota in 1934. He was educated …………………………………………………………………………… School of Drama at the University of Ibadan in 1969. Once there lived a young man named Androcles. unfortunately, he was caught by a slave merchant. The merchant sold him to a rich man in another country. The man was very rude and cruel. He used to inflict heavy torture on him. It was unbearable for him. To …………………………………………………………… The lion was relieved of his pain. Sheikh Sa’di was a great Persian poet. He was simple in his ways of life. Once he was invited ………………………………… My dress deserves this food. The courtier understood his fault and begged the poet’s pardon. Robert Bruce was a famous king. Enemies …………………………………………… and he regained his kingdom. Once a lion was sleeping in a cave. At that time, a mouse fell upon its body while playing …………………………………. in fact, the strong or mighty one is also dependent on the weak one. Once there was a king. The king was fond of knowing his future from astrologer ………………………………………. At this the king turned pale. “Drive this wretch away and let him not come again”, shouted the king. There was an old house in a village. There lived a number of mice in that house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and ………………………………………… “But who will tie the bell?” At this all remained silent, as there was none to tie the bell round the cat’s neck. Alexander, the conqueror of the world, once crossed the Khyber Pass and reached India. Then he came to the plain of the Punjab. thee ruled a king called Porus ……………………………………………………………………………….. Alexander made him ruler of another province in the Punjab. Nelson Mandela was the greatest leader of South Africa. In fact, he was one ………………………………………………. Eventually, the great leader realized the goal of liberating his own people. Long ago there was a mighty old king of England named Lear. Lear was tired of ruling and needed rest. ……………………………………………………………………… Lear was shocked and said, “Nothing will come of nothing.” 2nd Paper Completing Story An idle King A sly fox and a foolish crow An illiterate man A faithful dog Cunning fox and foolish crocodile The honest wood cutter Slow and steady wins the race/ The Hare and the Tortoise A cleaver crow The pied piper of Hamelin Grasp all, Loss all Honesty is the best policy Failures Are the Pillar of Success Who Will Bell the Cat? Unity is Strength Dividing the Bread The Wonderful Goose A Friend in Need is a Friend indeed (Two Friends and a Bear) King Midas and His Golden Touch Robert Bruce (The King of Scotland) A Liar Shepherd (A Liar Cow Boy) Sheikh Saadi and His Teaching Bayazid’s Love for His Mother Honesty of a Rickshaw Puller The Lion and the Mouse An Intelligent Astrologer Summary Writing Man is the maker of his own fate. ………………………………………………………….. If we want to improve the quality of our life, we must work hard which is the key to success. Students are the future leaders and makers of the nation. Study is the main pursuit of the student. In addition to this ……………………………………………………………………. They can, of their own accord, walk arrangements for feeding and clothing. Good manners form an important part of our education. Our education, in fact, remains incomplete if we do not have manners. In our behaviour ……………………… ………………………………………………….. Really a man of good manners is a gentle man in the true sense of the term. Co-operation means working together for the benefit of all. Without cop-operation modern society cannot exist. Co-operation has seen seen at its best among farmers …………………………………………………….. By cop-operation farmers have learned to make even the desert produce crops. There are many causes of greenhouse effect. The deforestation and burning down of the tropical forests, rapid growth ………………………………………………………………. , which acts as the main agent of greenhouse effect. The process of globalization obviously requires a common language for international communication. For many different reasons, English has achieve the prestige of being that language. As a result, ………………………………….. Today’s slogan is mutual intelligibility among users of the language. Money cannot buy happiness. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that necessarily bring happiness. It is absolutely ………………………………… It is only moral and spiritual development that gives us happiness. Patriotism means love for one’s own country. It is a noble virtue. It removes all sorts of meanness of human ………………………………….. They die a negligible death. Nobody mourns for them. The dowry system is a curse to our society. it can be an amount of money or some kind of property that a wife or her family is to pay to the bridegroom ……………………………………… We must start large-scale pestering, canvassing and advertising to motivate and persuade people against this abominable crime against humanity. Population explosion is a constant threat to our environment and existence. Especially in Bangladesh, ……………………………………………. Thus the environment is becoming unhealthy. Education is the by which our mind develops through formal learning at an institution like a school, college or university. It is mental and intellectual training which provides ……………………………………… . It also broadens our outlook and makes us aware of our rights and responsibilities. Mobile phone is a great invention of modern science. The consumers of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting ………………………………………………….. So, Bangladesh government should have an official restriction on using mobile phones by children and pregnant women. Dialogue Writing A dialogue between two friends merits and demerits of living in village and city. A dialogue on the benefit of early rising. A dialogue on the bad effect of smoking. A dialogue on food adulteration. A dialogue on the eradication of illiteracy from our country. A dialogue on necessity of tree plantation. A dialogue on the importance of physical exercise. A dialogue about buying a pair of shoes. A dialogue between myself and my friend abut the prospect of digital Bangladesh. A dialogue between myself and my cousin about environment pollution in relation to Sundarbans. A dialogue between two friends about the uses and abuses of mobile phone. A dialogue between me and my father about the choice of profession/ aim in life. A dialogue between a patient and a doctor. A dialogue about the preparation for the coming/ ensuing SSC examination. A dialogue between myself and a bank manager about opening a bank account. A dialogue between me and my class teacher about my being late. Letter To The Editor Write a letter to the editor describing the inhuman situation of the flood affected people. Write a letter to the editor about the law and order situation of your locality. Write a letter to the editor drawing attention of the proper authority to solve a certain problem. Write a letter to the editor about food adulteration. Write a letter to the editor about the problem of loud speaker. Job Application with CV A CV with cover letter for the post of librarian. A CV with cover letter for the post of a receptionist. A CV with cover letter for the post of a clerk. A CV with cover letter for the post of an electrical engineer. A CV with cover letter for the post of an officer in a bank. A CV with cover letter for the post of a Lecturer in English. A CV with cover letter for the post of a computer operator. Formal Letter/Application An application to the DC to repair the damaged road. An application to the principal for opening a computer club. An application to the principal for opening an English language club. An application to the principal to set up a literary club. An application to the principal for a transfer certificate. An application to the TNO for relief for the flood affected people of your area. An application to the principal of your college seeking permission to stage a drama in the college auditorium. An application to the principal for opening a debating club. An application to the principal for opening a common room. An application to the principal for a seat in the school hostel. An application to the principal for a testimonial. An application to the principal to go on an excursion/ study tour. Short Composition Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh Globalization Rural Development of Bangladesh Rivers of Bangladesh Natural Calamities in Bangladesh The Season You Like Most Digital Bangladesh The Value of Time My Hobby Wonders of Modern Science Patriotism Population Problem in Bangladesh The Uses and Abuses of Satellite TV Channels Paragraph Newspaper Mobile phone Corruption Empowerment of women in Bangladesh Danger of smoking Your visit to a historical place Traffic jam Internet Load-shedding Your College Library Report Writing Economical crisis in Bangladesh Food adulteration Deforestation Problem of eve teasing in your locality A tragic launch accident Fire in a garments factory Road accident Price of the essential commodities The Victory Day Hartal and its devastating consequence প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, উপরে প্রদত্ত সাজেশন হতে তোমরা ২০১৫ সালে আসা প্রশ্নসমূহ (Questions) বাদ দিয়ে বাকি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ আইটেমগুলো পড়বে।তবে কমন পড়বে আসা করি । **************Many********Many*******Thanks*******To*****You**************